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Humans and Technology

Connected but Disconnected


The topic of my Senior Design Thesis was:

How human connection to technology invades conversation and social situations among peers and strangers.


I chose this topic because I have always been fascinated by how technology, specifically smartphones, have such large effects on us whether it's mentally, physically, or socially. I wanted to take the time to research more about something I was interested in, that would also bring me insights to consider when designing future projects. This thesis gave me a deep dive into how many unforeseen effects can result from a product or a piece of technology, and how crucial it is to design as socially conscientious and responsibly as possible.


This project required a lot of detailed research, observations, interviews, and writing a thesis on a socially responsible and conscientious issue, while also devising a physical solution to this problem, fabricating, and user testing it- all within one semester! This was a large task but taught me so much about the depths of a problem and how a physical product can be implemented to make great change. 


Please read my thesis and final presentation by clicking the icons below:

Skills Utilized in this Project:


  • Ethnography

  • Research of Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Product Research and Benchmarking

  • Interviewing

  • Presenting

  • Writing

    • Thesis including Literature Review

  • Prototype Fabrication

  • User Testing


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